Heat pumps work similar to a Reverse Cycle Air-Conditioner, drawing in ambient air, extracting heat from that air & exchanging the heat into the pool water using a Compressor, Refrigerant Gas, Heat Exchanger and a Fan to expel the cold air.
The efficiency of this system will depend on the quality of these four Components, the System Design and adequate airflow. Having good quality Components does not guarantee efficiency if the System is poorly designed. The reverse is also true.
Noise is another factor that is greatly influenced by the quality of the Compressor, Fan, Fan Motor and the System Design.
Here at Summerwave, quality Components and Innovation in Design are what we are known for. Inver-X is our Flagship Range, designed with a unique Venting System coupled with the highest quality Components to maximize efficiency and minimize noise.
The difference you will notice is the efficiency. A Full Inverter (Inver-Pro) is more efficient than a Standard Inverter (Inver-Eco) meaning it does the same job heating using less electricity to do that job.
This is because a Standard Inverter has a 3 speed Compressor. High speed for getting the pool water up to your desired water temperature, then automatically turning itself down to either the medium or low speed for heat maintenance.
A Full Inverter has a variable speed Compressor meaning it will bring the water up to your desired temperature, running also at it’s high capacity. Then automatically turning itself down to the lowest possible power draw (given the weather conditions at that time) to maintain that water temperature.
The measure of efficiency in a Heat Pump is called a COP. This will show you clearly the efficiency difference between a Standard & a Full Inverter Heat Pump as well as between different brand Heat Pumps.
Where you place the Heat Pump will influence the efficiency & noise of the Heat Pump. A Heat Pump needs to breathe; have enough fresh air to breathe in, and enough space to expel the cold air away from itself so it does not then draw it back in. Position can also affect how quiet the Heat Pumps is. If you place it closer than 300mm from a galvanised iron fence, the fence will cause echo and the noise level will increase.
Front venting models draw in warm ambient air pre-dominantly from the back, requiring 300-500mm clearance from any obstruction. They vent the cold air out in front (horizontally) and require up to 3m (dependent on the obstruction; solid or partial) open air clearance out in front.
Top venting models draw in the warm ambient air from the back, left & right sides, requiring 200-500mm clearance from any obstruction. The cold air is is vented up (vertically) requiring up to 2m (dependent on the obstruction; solid or partial) open air clearance above the Heat Pump.
Failure to provide the right ventilation may result in reduced efficiency and increased noise. Summerwave have Installers & Technicians who are happy to assist with choosing the right position for your preferred Heat Pump model to maximize efficiency.
As described, front venting Heat Pumps require more open-air space than top venting Heat Pumps. However, if you do not have a lot of room consider wall or roof mounting your Heat Pump, just like you do with an Air Conditioner. This often overcomes the space issue. Both front and top venting Heat Pumps can be roof or wall mounted. You will need the appropriately sized & weight rated Air Conditioner mounting brackets to be secured to your wall or roof. All of our Heat Pumps can be operated by your Smart Phone via your home WiFi modem.
All Summerwave Heat Pump models have been rigorously tested in the purpose built Testing Rooms at the Factory. Once the Engineers & Quality Control personnel are satisfied with the results, they are sent for independent testing by TUV Rheinland Facilities in Germany, with the subsequent data from TUV published in the Specification Tables. Independent Testing means you can trust the Specification Data as true and accurate.
Summerwave Heat Pumps really are energy efficient and whisper quiet (and not just because we say so!).
The COP rating is a useful thing to understand and you can apply this knowledge to any Heat Pump. COP stands for Co-efficiency Of Performance. It is a bit like the energy star ratings on white goods; the higher the number of stars, the more efficient the machine is.
With Heat Pumps, the COP numbers mean for every 1kw of energy used by the Heat Pump, the number COP listed equals how many kw of heat it produces. For example on the Specification table of model X20-18c the COP figures read: 21.0 – 7.4. The 7.4 figure relates to when this Heat Pump is in Smart Mode getting the pool water up to temperature; for every 1kw of power drawn, 7.4kw of heat is produced. When the pool water has reached temperature, the Heat Pump will automatically drop into a very low power draw to maintain this temperature; then the COP figure rises to 21.0, meaning for every 1kw of power drawn, 21.0kw of heat is produced. What a phenomenal performance!
The position of the Heat Pump may determine the type of Heat Pump you purchase; a front venting or top venting model. Heat Pumps must be able to ‘breathe’; have enough ambient air to draw in for the heat exchange process and then enough open air space to vent out the cold air.
Front venting models draw in warm ambient air pre-dominantly from the back, requiring 300-500mm clearance from any obstruction. They vent the cold air out in front (horizontally) and require up to 3m (dependent on the obstruction; solid or partial) open air clearance out in front.
Top venting models draw in the warm ambient air from the back, left & right sides, requiring 200-500mm clearance from any obstruction. The cold air is is vented up (vertically) requiring up to 2m (dependent on the obstruction; solid or partial) open air clearance above.
Failure to provide the right ventilation may result in reduced efficiency and increased noise. Summerwave have Installers & Technicians who are happy to assist with choosing the right position for your preferred Heat Pump model to maximize efficiency.
Once you have a type of Heat Pump in mind (front or top venting) you need to choose a model. Most people choose a model based on one of three things:
Efficiency – this also impacts on your Carbon Footprint. The more efficient a Heat Pump the less power is drawn to do the same job, therefore the smaller your Carbon Footprint. Power – are you restricted by the power you have available? Do you want a 3 Phase power unit? Do you only have Single Phase power? Do you only want a plug-in model even if it means it is not as efficient? Size – In Pool Heat Pumps, bigger is better. Bigger means it will use less electricity to heat the pool. However, if you have loads of PVC Rooftop Solar Panel to offset your house electricity, it can potentially cost you nothing at all to heat your pool. In this instance there may be no advantage to go bigger than what you need, simply stay with the size that is right for your pool and your requirements.
You may buy direct from Summerwave here in Adelaide or if you are inter-state from one of our Authorised Dealers. Please call us & we will be happy to either quote & supply direct, or get you in touch with a Dealer in your area. Telephone us on 1300 989 489 on business days. We have voice mail for outside of business hours or when we cannot answer the phone, please leave a message with your number & we will get back to you within a business day.
To cover, or not to cover? If you can, cover! This is because a cover will slow down heat loss substantially. It will also mean a faster heat up time. With a cover you can expect to lose 1-3 degrees Celcius overnight. Without a cover, that will increase up to 12 degrees Celcius. That means instead of taking only a few hours to heat up, it can take most of the day. To counteract this, a bigger size Heat Pump will be required.
If you cannot, or do not want to cover your pool, please consider using “Liquid Blanket”. This is not as effective as a pool cover, but it definitely helps to slow down heat loss. You can purchase Liquid Blanket online, or some pool shops stock it.
How loud will my Heat Pump be? Summerwave Heat Pumps are incredibly quiet. Twin-rotary Mitsubishi or GMCC DC Inverter Compressors practically eliminate noise caused by vibration and the Full Inverter Ventilation System is whisper quiet with no mechanical noise at all. The result is a noise level comparable to a pedestal fan. This means you can enjoy a quieter swimming environment while still maintaining a comfortable pool temperature.
Should you want your Summerwave Heat Pump to be even quieter, simply choose the Silence Mode on your Touchpad instead of Smart Mode. This is so quiet it is sometimes referred to as night or sleeping mode.
After Sales Service This is something Summerwave excel at regardless of whether the Heat Pump is in or out of Warranty or if the issue is actually an Operational one.
The process if something goes wrong are a few simple steps:
• Contact us with the details of the issue, the model & delivery date of your Heat Pump. • We will probably ask a few questions to determine if a Technician is required. • If it is an Operational issue, you will be talked through it over the phone. • If the issue turns out to be a failure of some sort, whether in or out of Warranty we are happy to help. Most issues can be diagnosed via phone by our Technicians. • If it is determined that a part has failed, we do not fix, we replace. For example if our Technician determines it is an Electrical Board at fault, a brand new board would be express posted out to an Electrician local to you, to attend your house, remove the faulty board & install the new one. It is that simple. • We keep a huge stock of spare parts in our Warehouse here in Adelaide. • From the time of contact with the relevant information, we generally have a result within a week. Our After Sales Service also includes telephone assistance with the Plumbing up and best position of the Heat Pump. Plumbing & position instructions and advice are contained in the Manual, however it is important that the Plumbing is correct and the Heat Pump is positioned so it can breathe. We encourage all purchasers to contact us for advice & assistance with this. If required, a Technician will call you back for complex situations. Call backs generally occur the same or next business day. We strive to keep Our After Sales Service just as efficient as our Heat Pumps.
What to do if things go wrong with your Summerwave Heat Pump Contact us by email: sales@summerwaveheatpumps.com.au or telephone us on: 1300 989 489
We will need to know your details, which model Heat Pump you have, when you took delivery of your Heat Pump, what the problem is and any error codes that are displayed.
The majority of issues are not Warranty, but Operational (such as it has been accidentally de-programmed) which can usually be fixed over the phone with direction from one of our expert Technicians.
When it is not Operational most issues are resolved within 2 weeks. Our Summerwave Technicians can generally diagnose the fault over the phone, sometimes requiring photos or video.
We keep a large stock of Spare Parts here in our Adelaide Warehouse. For Regional or Inter-state people, we use Express Post to send the required part out. We use local (to you) Technicians, Electricians and Refrigeration Mechanics to perform the work. If it is out of Warranty, Summerwave is still happy to help. We do not have a high mark-up on our Parts, but endeavour to keep everything reasonable. When out of Warranty, it does not have to be an Authorised Tradesperson to do the work, you may contract whomever you like.
For any over the phone diagnosing, we do not charge. Regardless of whether in or out of Warranty, whether Operational or Warranty, we do not charge for this Service. Our After Sales Service to our Customers is just as important to Summerwave as our Pre Sales Service. Summerwave takes great pride in this and our Customer Reviews strongly reflects this.
Payment options when purchasing direct from Summerwave We accept and do not charge any additional fees on EFT payments, Mastercard & Visa debit or credit cards, or if you are in Adelaide; Cash.
We also offer Humm 90 Interest Free Finance over a 6 or 12 month period, but conditions apply. Please ask us or go to Humm 90 Finance Page for more information and to apply online.
When choosing a Heat Pump there are three crucial elements to consider; sizing, design and pool environment. To determine what size Heat Pump is right for you the questions to ask are:
1.Pool details; water capacity, type of pool (fibreglass, concrete, acrylic, vinyl) in-ground or out of ground, has it a cover & what sort of cover. 2.Environment; is it indoor/under cover/sheltered, wind rating, lowest, highest & average air temperature. 3.Your expectations; make the season more comfortable, extend the season, swim all year round, what is the desired water temperature. Pool Type Surprisingly, Fibreglass Pools are the warmest of all. Concrete Pools are tricky, as they conduct heat/cold through the concrete to the soil, so effectively you are heating the water, the concrete & the soil surround. Vinyl in-ground pools are not too bad, but any portion of a Vinyl Pool that is out of the ground really drains the heat from the water quite quickly.
The importance of a Pool Cover If you choose not to use a cover on your pool at all, please expect to be recommended a larger size Heat Pump as a cover slows down heat loss dramatically. A simple Solar Blanket (one of the bubble wrap covers) works really well at retaining heat on an outdoor pool. On an indoor pool a Thermal Blanket is the recommendation. If a cover is not possible, please consider the use of Liquid Blanket. This is the fallback option as it does retain some heat in the water as well as slowing down water evaporation.
The Pool Environment This plays a huge role in determining the size and model of Heat Pump required. The warmer the ambient air, the smaller the Heat Pump. The colder the ambient air, the larger the Heat Pump. This includes night time as well as day time. Therefore, where you live & the typical weather temperatures for your location play a huge role in choosing a size. Wind is often an over-looked factor. Wind can rip the heat our of pool water. Choosing a larger size can combat these issues.
Sun on the water of the pool helps a lot as well as access to sun-warmed ambient air. Indoor Pools are notoriously difficult to heat as they usually have neither. Again, a larger size can overcome this problem.
Please call our expert team or drop us an email. We would love to assist you with the right type, model and most importantly; size! We really do have a model to suit just about everyone.
Soft Start Safety Feature The Soft Start feature is designed to guarantee the safety of your house’s electricity system. When the heat pump is turned on, the Soft Start reduces the immediate draw on your electricity supply. This results in a smoother energy flow, placing less burden on your electricity supply and reducing the impact on lights and other household appliances.
Maximize your swimming season Your pool is a big investment and you don’t want it sitting idle when you could be enjoying it. Where you live in Australia will influence how many months of the year you could feasibly swim with your pool water heated. For example, the air temperature in Ballerat Victoria from May to October is generally so cold that most people won’t swim even if the pool water is heated to 30c, but this is not true of Cairns Queensland. In Cairns, most people swim all year around, but the hot Summer months mean their pool water is too hot and a Heat Pump that can cool as well as heat can be an advantage.
Being realistic about what months you really will swim is important. Summerwave can heat your pool water for all year swimming, but if you live in a cooler region you will need a bigger heat capacity Heat Pump, using more electricity to do the job.
Summerwave Heat Pumps are designed to operate in air temperatures from as low as -20° C and as high as 43° C depending on which model you choose. So no matter where you are in Australia, we will have a model to suit.
How long do I need to run my Pool Heat Pump for This will depend on a number of factors:
• the size of the pool • the size of the Pool Heat Pump • whether the pool has a cover on it • the weather; sun? wind? ambient air temperature? • the time of year • your location in Australia Generally speaking if the above conditions are favourable the run time may be;
• In Summer it be as little as 2 hours. On the cooler days around 4 hours is reasonable. • The Spring and Autumn months are usually between 6-10 hours a day. This is because the weather has cooled considerably, especially the night time temperatures. • for Winter swimming in the northern parts of Australia are generally 6-8 hours a day. However the southern parts of Australia are at least double this time frame & it is important to have a larger than usual size Heat Pump. When setting the run times for Heat Pumps it is important to keep as much as possible to sunshine hours. This is because of the way Heat Pumps work, trading heat from the air into the water, then expelling the cold air. The less heat there is in the air to extract, the less efficient a Heat Pump becomes. It will use more electricity & produce less heat. As the air gets colder it will automatically enter Defrost Mode periodically to enable it to continue operating & heating the water.
With this in mind, it is important to be realistic about what months you would really swim in. Please contact us, our Consultants are happy to spend the time to advise you on the correct size & model to suit your requirements.
Not sure why you should choose us? Make up your mind and learn why from our satisfied customers!
Purchased a summerwave inverter heat pump for our newly installed pool, very quiet and heated our pool very quickly, can not get the kids out even at night time because its so warm lol, thank you for all your help and great service.
"Best Investment: Summerwave Heat Pump"
Great service and product from this company. Prompt delivery and very nice 16.5kw heat pump unit. With a little help over the phone I managed to fit the unit myself. Heater up and running smooth and warm water, cheers.
“The whole experience of buying our Summer Wave pool heat pump was so easy and satisfying.”
Big shoutout to Ben and the team at summer wave after many years my heat pump had a issue and stoped working ,I always say it’s not when things are going well you measure Someones service it’s when things are tough or something isn’t working Ben helped me through the repair and it’s going great thanks again regards Ron
"After Many Years"
Ronald H
I purchased a 17.5kw inverter heat pump for my pool. With a little help from their video on their website I managed to fit the unit by myself. Its all up and running sweet! Great service from the service team and sales, would highly recommend this company.
"Why We Love Our Summerwave Heat Pump"
I purchased my first heat pump from this company 5 years ago, the heat pump was still going strong when we sold our house. We moved into a new house and purchase one of their inverter heat pumps for our newly installed pool. Their service and advise was fantastic just like the first time, they know their stuff. Great price, great service and a great product. The new heat pump is very quiet and looks great. Thank you all for your help and fast service, highly recommend this company.
Great after sales service from this company, thanks for all the help. I must say the inverter heat pump is so much quieter than our old heat pump and its seem to be heating so much quicker, thanks.
"So much quieter than our old Heat Pump"
Jenny C
Great after sales service from this company, thanks for all the help. I must say the inverter heat pump is so much quieter than our old heat pump and its seem to be heating so much quicker, thanks.
" Exceeds Expectations"
Hi Kathy, I would just like to say thank you. The whole experience of buying our Summer Wave pool heat pump was so easy and satisfying. The difference it has made to our pool is just amazing. Since installing it myself which I must say was so easy to do we have been in the pool almost daily. The unit itself is whisper quiet and heated our half in ground half out of the ground concrete pool in only 12 hours from 18 degrees celsius to 30 was astonishing considering the cool climate in Tamworth NSW. Our family are so grateful to be able to extend our swimming season from 3 to 6 months with the Summer Wave 13.5 kw full inverter heat pump. The unit itself is so efficient we are still making more solar power than we use with our 6.2 kw solar system with the heat pump on for 5 hours a day. We would certainly recommend Summer Wave Heat Pumps to anyone that wants to get a lot more value for money from their pools. Kind regards Jamie & Mandy
"Cutting-Edge Technology in Summerwave Heat Pumps"
Thank you Kathy for all your help, great service and the heat pump works a treat. We fitted it ourselves and found it was quite easy with your directions, very quiet inverx and is heating our pool and its July !! I think my daughters up and coming pool party is going to be a huge success! I have already recommended you to some of my friends.
"We Fitted it ourselves"
Gemma Y
Run a home based swim school. Need our outdoor pool kept at 32degrees all year round. Had our Summerheatwave 210 for almost 6yrs. It's been amazing. No problems at all. And we work it pretty hard. Excellent customer service👌
"We work it pretty hard"
Donna B
Top Quality Equipment and First class Service We purchased a Summerwave brand lnverter Pool Heat Pump from this company in South Australia for our above ground swimming pool. Not having any prior experience we did a lot of research and had many questions before deciding and committing to purchase one, as the cost was significant for us. After making a lot of comparisons and speaking to a number of suppliers, we found that the people from Summerwave Heat Pumps, specifically Kathy and Ben really knew what they were talking about in great detail. They were friendly and helpful and went above and beyond our expectations in recommending the right size and type of heater pump for our pool. The pricing was very competitive and the quality of the` heater supplied is exceptional. The delivery from South Australia to Melbourne was fast and the after sales service we have experienced is rare to find these days. They certainly are customer focused and are a pleasure to do business with. We highly recommend them to anyone needing a top quality heater pump for their swimming pool.
"Efficient Heating with Summerwave Heat Pumps"
Summerwave heat pumps have been extremely helpful, knowledgeable and professional. They have always responded to my calls or emails and answered all of my questions. They have never rushed me when I have been on the phone with them and really took their time responding to my questions, even after having bought and received one of their products. Excellent customer service!
"Never Rushed Me"
David L
Thank you Michael for all your help and knowledge, really good old fashion service, heat pump has been fitted and is working fantastic, highly recommend this business!
"Really good old fashioned service"
Danny W
We are very happy with the service, very professional and such a great heater. We have used our pool more in the last few weeks than most past years.
"Used our pool more in the last few weeks than most past years"
Cate H
Fantastic service from these guys and lady. I purchased the 22kw Turbo boost heat pump and fitted it myself !! with a little help lol, all up and running and very quiet, the pool is 28c and its August, fantastic, would highly recommend.
"the pool is 28c and its August"
Brad S
We had a Summerwave heat pump fitted to our spa about 12 months ago. It has been amazing, it now heats faster and so much cheaper to run, we dont really notice it on our electric bill anymore, thanks guys great job!